Hi Everyone! In our last issue of TILT Magazine we published a few research calls and we are repeating the relevant calls here as well as adding new ones to the mix. Please take the time to review these calls and if any suit your work setting or skill set, consider participating!
- Study intending to explore the processes involved in online text-based therapy from the counsellor’s perspective
Required: Clinicians (MA, MFT, MSW) who have engaged in online text-based therapy in the past 12 months.
As a participant, you will be asked to complete a brief (5-10 minute) demographic questionnaire that we will send to you via email. You will then be requested to participate in an (approximately) 90-minute interview session via text-based chat or Skype. After this, I will contact you to present to you my summary of our interviews for your review and feedback. Your participation in this study is completely voluntary and confidential. No names or personal information will be linked to the outcomes of this study.
Being involved in this study will help researchers and practitioners better understand the online counseling processes and help establish better guidelines for engaging in online therapy and developing therapeutic relationship.
Must be 19 years or older to participate in the study; please contact Shereen Kahn, at shereenk@mail.ubc.ca
- DSM-5 validation study
The SASSI Institute is conducting a DSM-5 validation study and for a limited time both adult and adolescent SASSI substance use screening questionnaires are available at no charge to professional clinicians. You can use the online questionnaires for free if you are willing to complete a substance use disorder symptom checklist for any client who completes a free screening questionnaire.
Once you have completed the symptom checklist you will be provided with a full report on your client’s screening results. Visit: www.SASSIOnline.com for additional information and to get started.
- What you think about online counseling*?
Have you provided online counseling services to clients? Do know someone who has? Are you interested in or considering providing online counseling services?
You are invited to participate in a brief online survey assessing the characteristics, opinions and experiences of mental health professionals who currently provide or intend to provide online counseling services. Online counseling services are increasingly becoming more common and available to the general public. However, relatively little is known about the professionals providing online services, their training and knowledge, the types of services they are providing and technologies being used. This study is a collaborative effort among researchers at the Florida State University College of Medicine and Kansas University Medical Center, and the TeleMental Health Institute.
The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete. The survey questions do not require disclosure of personal information and your identity and responses will remain anonymous. Summary results of the survey will be available at www.SelfhelpMagazine.com after the study is complete. To complete the survey go to: https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/HXLBVJ6
If you have any questions about the study or need further information, please feel free to contact the principal investigator, Dr. Marlene Maheu, http://support.telementalhealth.com
*Online counseling includes counseling services provided from a distance by using communications such as telephone, email, and video.
Be sure to check out our latest isssue of TILT Magazine~ Therapeutic Innovations in Light of Technology!