Search engine optimisation (SEO) is the process of ensuring a website is not only visible to search engines, but appears as high in the resulting ranked list of results as possible when users input a search term. Good SEO results in more potential customers finding your website. Over the past few years, Google has been… [Read More]
The latest edition of TILT Magazine is here! Fall 2014
Welcome (or welcome back!) to Therapeutic Innovations in Light of Technology. We are so pleased to bring you the first issue in Volume Five – our 20th issue, funded by you our readers through our Kickstarter campaign! Our main feature article in this issue is a topic dear to Kate’s heart – how social gaming… [Read More]
For the Love of Books
Distant Healing: A Complete Guide Paperback Most of us have prayed for someone facing a health challenge, only to wonder if it actually helped. What if there were a set of skills you could use to dramatically increase your ability to aid in the healing process? With Distant Healing, you will join esteemed teacher Jack… [Read More]
Beginnings and endings- the latest news from Kate and DeeAnna
As diverse as topics can get and yet not really… Transitions. DeeAnna talks about transitioning one’s work focus to embrace essential oils. Many healing practitioners are doing just that. Kate talks about another transition- the end of an online therapy session. Sometimes our weekly blog topics converge and other times they are seemingly worlds apart…. [Read More]
From Starting a Blog to landing a Movie Deal ~ all on the WWW
When I overcame dissociative issues and chronic depressions by seeing where they originated in the first place and how the false understandings of how relationships worked were stuck in my belief system, I found myself with a massive passion and desire to share my new found freedom and wholeness with the world. In the beginning… [Read More]
“Tech Support”- Using Technology to Support Ongoing Recovery
Most clinicians have experienced the vibration or ring of a cell phone during session. Depending upon whether we are “digital immigrants”, “digital natives” or those who would like to seek “digital asylum” our responses might be very different (Prensky, 2001). Many clients are technologically connected in ways that counselors may not have traditionally experienced in… [Read More]
When is an Online Ending really an ending?
I’ve been reflecting a lot on endings recently. This is partly because I’m entering a new phase of my life and have cut down my work load (I can hear friends and family snorting with laughter and disbelief at this point!). However it is also to do with other things that I have been doing…. [Read More]
The latest from Kate & DeeAnna! Writing & Flowers
While we keep you up to date on the topics of online therapy and coaching and we blog our articles from TILT Magazine~ Therapeutic Innovations in Light of Technology, Kate and DeeAnna also blog about topics near and dear- sometimes overlapping with the remit of Online Therapy Institute, and sometimes not. The most recent posts from… [Read More]