Virtual blues The online revolution is the most recent step in the development of counselling… The New Statesman has published an article entitled “Virtual Blues”, about online counselling. Kate was interviewed for this article along with the press office of the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy (, and it may be read and commented… [Read More]
Online Therapy Institute Featured in Scientific American Podcast!
The Online Therapy Institute’s presence in Second Life was featured in a Scientific American 60-Second PSYCH podcast, which discusses topics related to e-therapy, avatar therapy and behavioural telehealth. Counselling and psychotherapy in virtual worlds is a growing trend, and is examined in the upcoming textbook “Mental Health and the Impact of Technological Development”, edited by Kate… [Read More]
Texting and Therapy…
Kate and DeeAnna take a break from writing to visit NYC. A trip to the Modern Museum of Art, followed by lunch in the theatre district. Technology! It is everywhere- albeit, just a smattering at MoMa in the media exhibit…purposefully distracted from work and yet…as we exit the lunch venue, we are faced with this… [Read More]
Second Annual Summit on Behavioral Telehealth 2008
Earlier this week I attended the Second Annual Summit on Behavioral Telehealth at Harvard Medical School’s Joseph B. Martin Conference Center. I had the privilege of attending last year and again this year. My role at the conference was as an ISMHO (International Society for Mental Health Online) exhibit booth representative. The Summit offers workshops on… [Read More]
Online Therapy Institute Writing Projects
Hello, Just an update on current writing projects by Kate and DeeAnna: Sage will be publishing Counselling and Psychotherapy Online, a handbook encompassing the history, theory, practice and ethics of online work. It will also include case histories and the future of using technology in therapeutic work, and is authored by us both. Charles C… [Read More]