Kate and I received an email from Ananda Valeeva who is the Editor-in-Chief of Inner World Magazine. She is writing an article on behaviors, emotions and the therapeutic value of virtual worlds. She came across the Online Therapy Institute and has included the institute in her article. So she wanted to let us know and asked if… [Read More]
The Online Disinhibition Effect
Update April 2013: . This summary was recently expanded into an article for Self & Society, Journal of the Association for Humanistic Psychology. . See the full article here: Appreciating Cyberculture and the Virtual Self Within by Kate Anthony and DeeAnna Nagel . John Suler’s Disinhibition Effect as summarised by Kate Anthony You Don’t Know… [Read More]
New Book: Therapy Online [A Practical Guide]
Kate and DeeAnna have been working feverishly on our new book and while we are completing the first draft we thought we would share with you what we received in the post today! Sage has listed the book in the latest catalogue and it should show on Amazon soon. The book will be hot off the press in… [Read More]
Etherapy Across the Globe- What About Jurisdiction?
I recently consulted with a therapist who resides in another country. He offers online therapy/consult services to individuals in the United States. His referrals come from health practitioners here in the U.S. so he receives the referral, provides the requested service to the patient and sends recommendations to the health practitioner. Recently, one steady referral… [Read More]
$19 Billion tagged for Healthcare IT in U.S. Stimulus Package
Just read an article about the $$ tagged for healthcare IT and wondering how much will trickle down to telehealth, and particularly behavioral telehealth, telepsychiatry and online therapy? Check out the full article here: http://www.healthcareitnews.com/news/healthcare-it-slated-19b-proposed-stimulus-package Most of the money appears to be tagged for healthcare records management and not for healthcare delivery… DeeAnna
Telehealth, Telepsychiatry, Online Therapy- Law and Ethics!
Do you have specific information about the ethics or legalities of online therapy, telehealth, telepsychiatry or use of technology in health interventions in your state or country? If you do, please post the information to the Online Therapy Institute wiki. The wiki is free and easy to join but if you prefer you can send the… [Read More]
Group Therapy Online via Chat- Optimum Group Size?
I was asked to participate in a group discussion online. I am a member of an organization that hosts a listserv and forums. Most recently, the idea of one big chat was suggested and all of us were invited to log on and participate. Had all of us logged on, there would have been about 70… [Read More]
Cyberspace Self .v. Real Self – pointless debate?
A random thought on the back of DeeAnna’s last blog entry… I believe I am the same person in cyberspace as I am within what is sometimes, paradoxically, called Real Life (RL). The fact that I exist within my writing over the Internet is what is important here, not the fact that I write. I… [Read More]