HOT TOPICS: Everyday Technology in Counselling and Supervision, An Ethical Framework for the Use of Technology in EAPs, Multiple Streams of Income for Therapists, Certificate Programme Services: Certificate in the Therapeutic Use of Technology, Online Coaching Research, From Therapist to Coach, News from the CyberStreet, What Would You Do?!, Technology Enhanced Coaching, OTI Open Office Hours
BACP Coaching Presentation by Kate Anthony now available online!
I am delighted to tell you that my recent presentation giving at the inaugural BACP Coaching Conference, “An Introduction to Online Coaching”, is now available from the BACP Coaching Division website here. Other presentations available range from Business Matters to Coaching Supervision, so I am sure you will find something of interest among the varied… [Read More]
Intake and Informed Consent for Coaching
Here are two excellent examples of informed consent and intake questionnaires for coaches, but what modifications should be considered for online coaching services? . Sample Informed Consent from the American Psychological Association: , Sample Consent from . See how DeeAnna Nagel discusses technology issues in her informed consent:
Post BACP Coaching conference presentations and resources
The first BACP Coaching Division Conference took place this month in London, with over 180 delegates attending to see a variety of workshops and to hear the keynote speaker Nancy Klein and to network. The BACP Coaching Division is releasing the speeches and PowerPoint presentations of most of the workshops, and the first of these… [Read More]
Inaugural BACP Coaching Conference 2011
I recently attended the inaugural conference of the new BACP Coaching Division, and was delighted to present on Online Coaching: Applications, Ethics and Practice on behalf of the Online Coach Institute and within my role as Executive Specialist for Online Coaching for BACP (British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy). The conference was an enormous success,… [Read More]
What is in store for you at the EAPA conference this year?
The agenda offers many sessions this year that focus on technology. DeeAnna Nagel will be facilitating a pre-conference training again this year at the EAPA conference in Denver. She will conduct a 2-day Distance Credentialed Counselor training Tue Oct 25 and Wed Oct 26. On Thur Oct 27, DeeAnna will participate in a panel discussion… [Read More]
Technology and the Therapist: How it Can Help You and How It Can Impact Healthy Living
A Therapist Conference at No Charge?! This year, Casey Truffo is offering you a ticket to the Therapist Leadership Virtual Conference at no charge. That is right. There is no registration fee to attend live via phone or internet. This year’s theme is: Technology and the Therapist: How it Can Help You and How It… [Read More]
TILT Magazine: Issue 5
HOT TOPICS: Experiencing Presence – Some Thoughts, Saving the Game: The Use of Gaming within Psychotherapy, Techology Enhanced Coaching, Cutting Edge Technology to Aid People with Mental Health Issues, Certificate Programme Services: Certificate in the Therapeutic Use of Technology, Online Coaching Research, From Therapist to Coach, News from the CyberStreet, What Would You Do?!, Technology Enhanced Coaching