Facebook Takes Bold Steps in Healthcare Last month, Facebook took a bold step into the healthcare world and launched a new initiative connecting suicidal users to national hotline crisis counselors at their precise moment of need. This new service adds to a list of pro-social programs incorporated by the social networking giant in 2011 including… [Read More]
A Day in the Life of an Online Therapist
The Journey that leads to me…as a physician practicing telepsychiatry… When I was just a bundle of untrained synapsing brain matter, aspiring to one day to be a psychiatrist, I had no idea. I had no idea how isolating the practice of psychiatry would be – although wonderful in other ways. Nor did I know… [Read More]
A Day in the Life of an Online Coach
I work in my pjs! Yes truly, I am often found in my pjs until about 10am when I suddenly realize that I’ve been working for over 2 hours and am still not showered or dressed! It’s amazing how quickly those first couple of hours disappear as I catch up with email and social media… [Read More]
Technology Enhanced Coaching
Welcome to the first in this year’s series of Technology Enhanced Coaching columns. The emergence of another new year and all of the technological advances it is sure to bring provides us with a fresh opportunity to pause and reflect on where we’ve been and where we’re headed. As we turn our attention to this… [Read More]
Using FaceTime for Online Therapy
UPDATE: August 5, 2013 with thanks to Roy Huggins, MS NCC for a fab update! iPhones, iPads and HIPAA-Compliant Practice: Locking Down Your Apple Device ______________________________________________________________ We have received many inquiries about whether or not FaceTime is suitable for online therapy, and of course in the U.S. the question about HIPAA always comes up. We are posting… [Read More]
Composing Oneself in E-Counseling A Case Study
E-counseling fosters getting it down in writing, seeing it in print, and composing oneself – all therapeutically beneficial, even before the first ‘session’ begins. What might be lost from the immediate give-and-take of ‘live’ conversation becomes a gain. The process has all the advantages of introspection while still being part of a clinical dialogue –… [Read More]
TILT Magazine: Issue 10
HOT TOPICS: Advancing Lives Through the Science of Virtual Reality, Cyberspace as Culture: A New Paradigm for Therapists and Coaches, The Social Media Coach, News from the CyberStreet, Research Review, What Would You Do?!, Wired to Worry, Reel Culture, Legal Briefs, Technology Enhanced Coaching, A Day in the Life of an Online Therapist, A Day in the Life of an Online Coach, CyberSupervision, New Innovations: Considering the Cultural Differences Between Twitter and Offline Life, Marketing Toolbox: Marketing Your Online Practice Close to Home, Introduction to Online Coaching: Methods, Ethics and Responsible Social Networking, Online Workshop Modules, For the Love of Books, Advertiser’s CyberMarket
Online Group Therapy
Our course, Online Group Therapy: Delivery, Research, Ethics and Design is a popular choice for people who want to facilitate a group via technology. We have many options now that are multi-media rich, including videoconferencing options, webinar platforms and virtual worlds. Historically, groups online were text-based and delivered either synchronously or asynchronously using listservs, bulletin… [Read More]