We found a self-help bonanza we had to share! If you have not heard of Brian Johnson’s PhilosophersNotes we encourage you to check it out. What is it? Well, Brian Johnson has created 2 volumes of self-help book summaries – nearly 200 books! In the first volume, he offers 100 pdf downloads and 100 mp3 audio… [Read More]
Is your website holding you back?
Shout out box: Is your website doing all it should to help you grow your practice? Margaret Adams asks some challenging questions. There’s an awful lot written about websites. After all most coaches, counselors, therapists and other expert professionals have them these days. Yet, many websites aren’t exactly what you might call business assets. In… [Read More]
A new learning style gives great content a face lift!
We have been busy building our courses into a fresh, new learning platform powered by JigsawBox and we are so excited! Update: As of 2019 we have migrated to Pathwright as our learning platform, an even more robust and dynamic experience. Why the change? Frankly, we needed an e-learning platform that fit our learning and… [Read More]
A Day in the Life of an Online Coach
In 1999 I transitioned from being a therapist to a coach and have never looked back. There were two main reasons for this career change: First, I wanted to more away from working with people who were in emotional pain and instead focus on helping people on a level that was more achievement orientated. Second,… [Read More]
“Call of Duty” and the Newtown Shooting: Anatomy of Circumstantial Evidence
The front pages of the internet now state that Adam Lanza, the gunman at Sandy Hook Elementary, had Asperger Syndrome and was a gamer, not an unlikely or necessarily bad combination, unless the video games were of a violent nature. The most recent speculation suggests the gunman was heavily involved in violent gaming, particularly the… [Read More]
Reflections on schools, children and tragedy… online resources to help the healing
Our colleague, Julie Cohen of linksforshrinks has suggested that those of us in the mental health field who typically use social media to promote our private practices, take 24 hours off from those efforts to help spread resources and information that may help anyone struggling with the events of December 14, 2012. On 12/14/2012, 20 children… [Read More]
Coaching and Counseling… is there a merge of the disciplines on the horizon?
Can a licensed mental health practitioner practice coaching across state and international lines? Over the years, we have been approached with this question too many times to count. Many psychologists, counselors and therapists assume that if they want to practice across state lines or across international boundaries, they can simply call themselves a coach, separate… [Read More]
Online Therapy Institute Research Calls – Fall 2012
Hi Everyone! In our last issue of TILT Magazine we published a few research calls and we are repeating the relevant calls here as well as adding new ones to the mix. Please take the time to review these calls and if any suit your work setting or skill set, consider participating! Study intending… [Read More]