Virtual environments allow us create multiple alter-egos. We can climb into the skin of a “night elf” avatar in World of Warcraft or become a famous designer in Second Life. During many hours spent in game communities as a psychologist, Agata Pasikowska, a researcher in Poland, worked on the hypothesis that online 3D gaming in… [Read More]
Public Mental Health Care in Canada
The Crisis The current health-care system is failing many Canadians. The most vulnerable groups are children, the elderly, and the population in rural areas as well as those who suffer from mental illness. The system is challenged in delivering services to these populations – especially mental health care services. For those hoping to see a… [Read More]
Social Presence in Technology-Assisted Counseling
You’ve heard the old adage, “only two things in life are certain: death and taxes”. Change is inevitable and as counselors and mental health professionals we have built our careers on that belief. Those of us working in the mental health arena have seen this play out in our profession over the last several decades…. [Read More]
The Heart of Online Therapy Training
Part rant Mostly celebration Rant. I am a member of a dozen or so Linkedin Groups and I am following many online practitioners on Twitter. I read blog posts and news articles and receive countless newsletters, conference announcements and questions in my inbox- all related to online therapy. That is to be expected since “online… [Read More]
Financial and Legal Issues in Telephone Psychotherapy
Private insurers generally do not reimburse for telephone psychotherapy. No CPT code for psychotherapy can be used for telephone therapy because it’s not a face-to-face service. Because it can be considered misleading, patients treated telephonically should not be billed for “individual psychotherapy,” nor should their services be coded as 90806 or any other CPT code…. [Read More]
I don’t have a college degree. Can I be a Certified Professional Coach?
Absolutely! Our coach certification program offers the foundation you need with a tried and true curriculum jointly developed by Online Coach Institute and Grow Training Institute. In our coach program you learn about motivating clients toward goals, how to work ethically, how to coach in the business world and how to market your coach practice…. [Read More]
How to Create a Video Introduction
When the American Psychological Association identified why more people do not get psychological care, one of the top reasons was the difficulty of finding a well-matched provider. People seeking care frequently try talking with multiple providers before selecting one. This trial-and-error is time-consuming, expensive, and frustrating. The stigma of seeking care can also prevent people… [Read More]
Ethical Dilemma – Reader’s Responses
Last Issue we asked: Your client tells you that he often goes into Second Life to de-stress after a long day at work. He says he can “be himself”- a self that he cannot present to the real world. He asks you to join him in Second Life to meet his Avatar….What would you do?!… [Read More]