I work entirely online from my private practice using encrypted email counselling. I work from a Humanistic theoretical foundation and specialise in working with individuals who are experiencing unhappiness in their relationships or are feeling generally stuck. As far as my clients go, I tend to wait ages for one to come along and then,… [Read More]
Counselor Education in Second Life and 3VCC
Once upon a time (don’t you love stories that begin this way) a new doctoral student (Debra) met a faculty member (Marty) and the two began a relationship that has grown and developed into something neither could have imagined. No, this is not a story of ethically inappropriate behavior, but it is a love story… [Read More]
My Next Move
Whatever your coaching or clinical practice specialty may be, chances are good you know someone who is in job transition. The demand for career coaching assistance is unprecedented, and in this edition of our TEC column we’ll be taking a look at one of the most powerful, web–based applications available to those who may be… [Read More]
The Help: Racial Enlightenment or Just Another White Savior Film?
If you don’t know the book or the movie, The Help (Kathryn Stockett) chronicles the experiences of black domestic help in the early 1960’s American south. Skeeter, the liberal, fresh-out-of-college white woman of privilege decides to interview the maids in her Alabama town so that “their” story can be told (and Skeeter, the ambitious writer,… [Read More]
A Day in the Life of an Online Coach
My day usually starts at 8 a.m. in the morning. I listen to the news while still in bed and after getting up, I need breakfast before I can do anything else and combine that with a look at the morning newspaper. After that I head up to the attic where I have my office… [Read More]
Therapy’s Digital Future
I recently had the privilege of presenting at the Psychotherapy Networker Symposium and what a great experience I had! My presentation was on Sunday and I arrived on Friday so I had a couple of days to meet and greet! I saw old friends and made new. I was thrilled to see Melanie LaDue… [Read More]
What Would You Do?
In each issue of TILT we shall be presenting an ethical dilemma about a Web 2.0 experience and other ethical topics related to mental health and technology, and inviting readers to comment at the Online Therapy Institute’s social network. In the following issue of TILT, we shall publish a selection of comments about what YOU… [Read More]
For The Love Of Books
The Cinematic Mirror for Psychology and Life Coaching Mary Banks Gregerson Although many movie guides exist, this volume complements the available literature by adding positive psychology, mental health, and wellness perspectives to the clinical/educational/coaching mix. The serious intent to cull from cinema its underlying psychological value has motivated noted clinicians, life coaches, and cultural critics… [Read More]